Apr 20, 2015
Ignore bully pulpit of celebrity
will you follow popular opinion of celebrity talk show hosts or form an educated opinion of your own?
Apr 20, 2015
Some Thoughts and Questions
What's the true test of one's commitment to free speech? It does not come when he permits people to be free to say or publish ideas with which he agrees. Not by a long shot. The true test of one's co…
Apr 20, 2015
Worthless print about what commissioner said what
Dear Editor,
After reading the article, “Commission considers increasing gas tax” in the April 8 edition of the Santa Rosa Press Gazette, I wondered who failed to provide the Press Gazette wi…
Apr 20, 2015
Speak Out April 22
Friday Noon
Yes, I am calling from Pace. I want to throw something out there for garbage collecting, If they put all of the trashcans on one side of the road and the truck went to meet the ot…
Apr 20, 2015
Biden announces his run for vice president
Surrounded by well-wishers, many of whom he had recently hugged, Joseph R. Biden Jr. delivered his much-anticipated announcement that he would seek a third term as vice president, laying out a new vi…
Apr 17, 2015
Speak Out April 18
Monday 10:20 a.m.
Yeah this is Dale from downtown Mulat. Anybody out there in PG land have an idea where you might find one of those winning scratch tickets? I think they sent us a bunch of duds. …
Apr 17, 2015
The definition of class
Dear Editor,
Who is going to judge your “class?” Certainly not me and no one else I know.
I do know people who will say “he’s got no class” or make a snarky remark about “that’s classless”…
Apr 17, 2015
Clinton runs! Now Does She Run From or To Obama?
Hillary just announced that she is running for president. So when she tells you, don’t forget to act surprised!
Change is in the air. We who disagree with, and voice reasoned objections to, t…
Apr 14, 2015
Speak Out April 15
Thursday 6:22 a.m.
This is Bobby. You know the people that want the courthouse in downtown are always talking about how many parking places there are. Well I guess when they have Scratch Ankl…
Apr 14, 2015
Greed is not the only problem with current bill
Dear Editor,
I recently heard Sen. Gaetz state that the problems with the Charlotte’s Web bill being stalled is greed; however, I think it is much simpler than that and a rudimenta…