Sep 25, 2017
Santa Rosa County library events
MILTON — These library events are scheduled throughout Santa Rosa County. UPCOMING PRESCHOOL STORYTIME: through Dec. 8 as follows. 11-11:30 a.m. on Mondays at the Jay Library 11-11:30 a.m. on Tuesdays at the Navarre Library 11:15-11:45 a.m. on Wednesdays at the Milton Library 11:15-11:45 a.m. on Wednesdays at the Gulf Breeze Library 11-11:30 a.m. on […]
Sep 25, 2017
Santa Rosa Community Cleanup
MILTON — These cleanup opportunities are available year-round. Buckets, grabbers, gloves and trash bags supplied. Dress for the weather and bring water, bug spray and sunscreen as needed. OCEAN HOUR VOLUNTEERS CLEAN NAVAL LIVE OAKS NATIONAL PARK: first Saturday of every month. Sign in at 8:45 a.m.; clean from 9-10 a.m. at Naval Live Oaks […]
Sep 24, 2017
Milton, Pensacola fans to host ‘Star Trek Discovery’ premiere party
On Sunday, Sept. 24, the latest installment of the “Star Trek” Franchise, “Star Trek Discovery” will air on CBS after professional football and “60 Minutes.” Subsequent episodes will air on the CBS a…
Sep 22, 2017
'We had attempted to save it'
The Mason-Allen House was a historic landmark on Elmira Street since its inception in 1871. The home remained in Mason’s family until the county purchased it in 1994.
Sep 22, 2017
City: churches could opt out of alcohol ordinance
MILTON — During a Thursday Committee of the Whole meeting, the City Council decided to change language of a city ordinance, allowing churches the option to serve or sell alcohol on their premises. At…
Sep 22, 2017
South Florida cop reunites with 'angel in jeans and work boots'
MILTON — Thousands of Facebook users now know Officer Tommy Burgs’ story of escaping Hurricane Irma and meeting a Milton man, David Cooper, whom he describes as “the angel in jeans and work boots.”
Sep 21, 2017
Nighttime lane closures planned in Gulf Breeze
Drivers will encounter alternating lane restrictions on U.S. 98 in Gulf Breeze near the Pensacola Bay Bridge Thursday, Sept. 21 and Friday, Sept 22.
The changes are associated with utility relocat…
Sep 21, 2017
Marijuana possession, state lands destruction among FWC incidents
MILTON — The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission filed these cases between Sept. 1 and 14 in Santa Rosa County:
Officer Mullins received a call of a derelict vessel in the Peterson …
Sep 21, 2017
Belanger, Giles lead in Stonebrook ladies' day
PACE — Stonebrook Golf Club’s Sept. 19 ladies’ day results are as follows:
Flight A Net 1. Audrey Belanger 2. Joanne Kelley 3. Andy Duchesne Flight B Net 1. Liz Giles 2. Wanda Couchman 3. Pa…