Feb 27, 2018
'It was time to continue that growth'
MILTON — Ami Gussie Russ, a 2004 graduate of Milton High School, left her hometown in 2014 to pursue a career in country music in California with the non-profit group the Young Americans. Nearly four…
Feb 26, 2018
SRSO phones down, 911 unaffected
MILTON — The Santa Rosa County Sheriff's Office telephone system is currently down, according to a SRSO press release. The issue affects all district offices including the administrative office and t…
Feb 23, 2018
Winn-Dixie unveils newly remodeled Pace store
PACE — Winn-Dixie officially reopened its recently remodeled store Feb. 22 in response to customers who asked for an improved shopping experience. During the festivities, the Pace High band received …
Feb 23, 2018
LISTEN: FDOT rep talks next steps for project to widen US 90 west of Glover Lane
MILTON — Ian Satter with the Florida Department of Transportation discusses next steps after the Feb. 22 public hearing for the PD&E study on widening Highway 90 west of Glover Lane.
Feb 22, 2018
Sacred Heart to provide free heart-health screenings in March
MILTON — During March, Sacred Heart Health System will provide free heart-health screenings at locations in Pensacola, Milton and Pace for adults who are poor, elderly or uninsured.
Heart-health sc…
Feb 22, 2018
Milton Black History Month celebration to feature female singers
MILTON — The Fellowship Churches of Santa Rosa County, Inc. will celebrate Black History Month 6 p.m. Saturday at Milton High School’s auditorium. The theme for this year's program is “The Soul of a …
Feb 22, 2018
Milton woman crochets mats for homeless from plastic bags
BAGDAD — For the last six years, Barbara Craig of Milton has crocheted 6-by-3 mats for the homeless out of plastic grocery bags. She brings them to her church, St. Mary’s Episcopal, and also to Ferri…
Feb 22, 2018
Milton woman creates mats for homeless from plastic bags
MILTON — Barbara Craig of Milton for the last six years has created mats for the homeless. She cuts plastic bags into loops then crochets the loops into 6-by-3 mats.
Feb 22, 2018
VIDEO: Santa Rosa County military affairs consultant reports on the annual fly-in
MILTON — Pete Gandy, Santa Rosa County’s military affairs consultant, reports to the Board of County Commissioners Feb. 22 on the recent trip to Washington, D.C. for the annual Northwest Florida Defe…
Feb 22, 2018
Santa Rosa sheriff's arrests: Feb. 20-22
The Santa Rosa County Sheriff’s Office provided these felony arrest reports for Feb. 20-22.
Defendants are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
Haley Leean Daigle , 25, Holt, probation…