Mar 31, 2020
Rollins Distillery giving homemade hand sanitizer to public
A week after teaming up with Perfect Plain Brewing Co. and other businesses to bottle and distribute hand sanitizer, Rollins Distillery in Gulf Breeze is undertaking its very own hand sanitizer initi…
Mar 27, 2020
CORONAVIRUS: Pet food pantries fill critical need during COVID-19 crisis
As thousands of local workers are displaced due to emergency shutdowns of many businesses in Escambia and Santa Rosa counties, pet pantries that provide free food are preparing for a potential uptick…
Mar 27, 2020
CORONAVIRUS: Local crafters sew masks for health care workers
As hospitals, nursing facilities and other places that care for the sick and immuno-compromised continue to see an…
Mar 27, 2020
CORONAVIRUS: Milton declares COVID-19 state of emergency
The city of Milton voted Monday night to enact a local state of emergency, following the leads of other local municipalities that have taken action to combat the spread of the novel coronavirus.
Mar 27, 2020
Coronavirus: Santa Rosa County infant under 1 is youngest case of coronavirus in Florida
This content is being provided for free as a public service to our readers during the coronavirus outbreak. Please…
Mar 24, 2020
Milton launches Facebook group to assist businesses
MILTON — The city has established the “ City of Milton Business Assistance Group ” on Facebook to assist the businesses in the city and those that do business in the city.
“We know there are diffi…
Mar 24, 2020
Quarantined? Local animal shelters are desperate for fosters
The doors of the Santa Rosa County Animal Shelter were opening and closing with relative frequency on Friday morning before the shelter was even officially open.
Kennel technicians and other shelt…
Mar 22, 2020
Santa Rosa County Libraries changing hours and operations
Normal operating hours for all Santa Rosa County Libraries will continue through 5 p.m. Mach. 20. Beginning Saturday,…
Mar 22, 2020
Feeding the Gulf Coast opens sites to feed kids during school closures
Feeding the Gulf Coast is diligently working to provide food for those who are currently and will be impacted by…
Mar 20, 2020
County, cities cancel large events
Santa Rosa County and the cities of Milton and Gulf Breeze are the latest municipalities in the Panhandle to cancel large, publicly permitted events in an effort to slow the spread of the coronavirus…