Jul 14, 2020
Sea turtle nest disturbed by humans, FWC investigating
Humans appear to have intentionally disturbed a loggerhead sea turtle nest that was found last week on the west end…
Jul 14, 2020
Pace potter churning out new works at his ceramic oasis
A local artist is celebrating 50 years of pottery, paintings and teaching. Larry Manning is being commemorated with an exhibit titled, “Turning Fifty: Paint, Pottery, and Purpose” at Artel Gallery, 2…
Jul 10, 2020
Miss Santa Rosa County titleholders crowned
World Class Pageantry held its first scholarship pageant on July 7, and seven young women were crowned in this…
Jul 6, 2020
Masks, social distancing, temp checks: What Santa Rosa schools may look like this fall
Students wearing face masks, parents performing regular temperature checks and classes maintaining social distance in…
Jun 26, 2020
Who's still doing July 4th fireworks?
If it's a fireworks display you're after this Fourth of July, your options are more limited than ever before as event…
Jun 23, 2020
PHOTOS: Milton High School graduation, June 2020
Here are scenes from the Milton High School 2020 graduation. []
Jun 19, 2020
Big Brothers Big Sisters recognizes 2020 Okaloosa Big of The Year
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Northwest Florida recognized Big Sister Sally Pink as the 2020 Okaloosa County Big of The…
Jun 16, 2020
Navarre vet part of free heartworm prevention study
With her fiance laid off from his job amid the coronavirus pandemic, Heather Hayes is worried about how she'll pay…
Jun 16, 2020
No charges will be filed in Five Mile Swamp fire
No criminal charges will be filed in connection to last month's massive Five Mile Swamp Fire in Milton, according to…
Jun 14, 2020
Jay solicits help, donations to install brand new playground
The town of Jay will be opening up a brand new playground soon, and thanks to a few helpful community members, the…