Jun 20, 2014
Palmer and McCurdy to wed
Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Palmer, Gulf Breeze, would like to announce the marriage of their daughter, Rachel Laura Palmer to Aaron Tero McCurdy.
Aaron is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Stephen M…
Jun 20, 2014
Groovin’ with the Groovinators
Bands on the Blackwater Friday night in historic downtown Milton listened to the Groovinators as they rocked South Willing St. Officials report near record crowd of over 2,000 turned out for the show…
Jun 20, 2014
Still time to sign up for Fishing For Families tonight
Gulf Power hosts the Fishing for Families tournament with all proceeds going to the Ronald McDonald House charities of northwest Florida, "which provides a Home-Away-From-Home and source of respite a…
Jun 20, 2014
Improv group opens at Oops Alley
The local improv comedy company, Winging It, displayed their off-the-cuff talents Saturday night in their first paid performance at Oops Alley. Aaron Price played host asking the audience for places …
Jun 19, 2014
Free tickets for July 9 Chris Young concert
Country fans lined up deep at Cat Country's canopy Wednesday waiting for free tickets to the Summer Salute to the Troops, July 9, aboard NAS Pensacola. Chris Young will be performing along with Josh …
Jun 18, 2014
Williamson to take oath Monday
District 1 County Commissioner Jayer Williamson will take oath of office during the regular commission meeting Monday at 9 a.m. in the commission meeting room. Governor Rick Scott announced the appoi…
Jun 17, 2014
Project SEARCH in Santa Rosa County
A special celebration recently held at the Andrews Research & Education Institute hailed the transition into the job market for five young adults with disabilities: Tyler Bly, Raechal Caile, Vincent …
Jun 17, 2014
Cora Baptist Church Vacation Bible School
Cora Baptist Church Vacation Bible School is July 21-25 from 5:00-8:30 pm. The church is located at 12953 Chumuckla Highway, Jay. For more information call 675-4264.
Jun 17, 2014
Faith Baptist Vacation Bible School
Faith Baptist Church will be having their annual Vacation Bible School, Monday through Friday, June 23-27, 6:00-8:30 p.m., for children 4-12. The church is located at 6423 Hamilton Bridge Road. For m…
Jun 17, 2014
Jay June Chamber meeting
The Jay Area Chamber of Commerce met Monday, June 2 in the social hall of
Jay Community Center.
Guests were Debbie Gunnoe, running for Santa Rosa County School Board, District 3 and Marga…