Feb 26, 2014
Gospel going forth
Dear Editor,
I’ve just seen some clips from the movie “Son of God,” to be released this month. What a blessing that many who know not Jesus Christ will become aware of who He is. Not a soul…
Feb 18, 2014
Mercury Marine remembered
Dear Editor:
In reference to "Your" View editorial in the Feb. 5 edition of your paper; here is another
view of the reference you made to the Mercury Marine comment in that view. They wer…
Feb 7, 2014
State Park Concerns
Dear Editor,
I read Mr. Dudley's opinion letter regarding Blackwater State Park and dirt bikes. I think he tells a one sided story. The acreage in question, Whiting Field Cir. which connects …
Jan 21, 2014
Letter to editor: Christians beware!
Dear Editor,
“Mandela believed in God, was not a Christian” per his confidante. Surprisingly, admirably Mandela forgave his jailer. So did Corrie Ten Boom, a Christian whose sister died in prison.…
Jan 21, 2014
Letter to editor: Stifling speech
Dear Editor:
All this talk about being nice and not being negative is nice. What it is really about is stifling speech. The new batch of left wing newspaper reporters is even farther left t…
Jan 21, 2014
Letter to Editor: Gay Issues – Don't confuse Church vs. State
Dear Editor,
The Duck Dynasty fiasco is just another segment in the weekly need for Americans to have some new red meat to chew on. You know America is hooked on any piece of new weekly contr…
Jan 7, 2014
Letter to the editor
Dear Editor,
Let me tell you a 10-year-old boy’s story. It was the summer of 1970, a weekday with a blue sky a few fluffy white clouds, a little warm with little wind but not unpleasant. He was wa…
Jan 7, 2014
Guest Editorial Glenn Mollette
Keep Free Speech in America
By Glenn Mollette
Arts and Entertainment television was out of line for suspending Phil Robertson for a recent statement that the network executives di…