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Feb 14, 2019
Dear editor, This is in response to Mr. Raymond Johns letter, "A failed America" published January 9.  Of course, it is Black History Month (BHM) and a good time to learn from the past and hopefull…

Feb 14, 2019
Dear editor, Democrats are heckling Howard Schultz for his possible presidential run as an independent candidate. As the two-time CEO of Starbucks, Schultz is socially progressive but financially c…

Feb 10, 2019
Dear editor, It’s once again "Black History Month," and I would like to ring my freedom bell in a failed America. The American country has had nothing but problems since white men came to this part…

Feb 4, 2019
Dear editor, Seniors, I’m sure you recognize that as we age we are all randomly encountering new health challenges. One of my new experiences was related to morning balance.  About a year ago, wh…

Jan 27, 2019
Dear editor, Methamphetamine has become almost as big of a problem for our society as opioids and benzos. While the overall drug crisis is going "full steam ahead," it’s easy to forget about meth w…

Jan 27, 2019
Dear editor, The children are partying and at play in the House of Representatives regarding the President's State of the Union speech. Does anyone on either political side read "We the People's" C…

Jan 19, 2019
Dear editor,     Not too far into the American past, Mister Geppetto created Pinocchio while Edgar Bergan used Charlie McCarthy and Mortimer Snerd. More recently, Jeff Dunham has used Walter an…

Jan 19, 2019
Dear editor, On January 21st, Floridians will once again observe the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, honoring the man who advanced and steered a civil rights movement that pushed America toward eq…

Jan 4, 2019
Dear editor, Now it’s 2019, and the 60-day window between the elections and the new congress has come to an end. During this 60-day window, the President has been trying to digest the blue wave as …

Jan 4, 2019
Dear editor, What is the difference between "Commander in Chief" or Commander and Chief? Very little except one is written that particular way in our Constitution, and the quotation marks indicate …
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