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Jun 5, 2018

Trump – America’s Hired Gun

Dear editor,  In the ‘old west,’ a town sometimes might hire a gunslinger to ‘clean up their town’, when they hadn’t done it for themselves. When the town was cleaned up, most of the townsfolk hope…

Jun 5, 2018

History expands our lives

Dear editor, "Not to know what has been transacted in former times is to be always a child. If no use is made of the labors of past ages, the world must remain always in the infancy of knowledge." …

May 30, 2018

LETTER: As Milton turns

Editor's note: This letter has been edited for content. Dear editor,  Here we go again with another episode of "As Milton Turns." After the city council’s predictable fiasco at the May 8 th meeti…

May 25, 2018

LETTER: Honoring black patriots

Dear editor, Meditating on the true meaning of Memorial Day, not on planned activities, I was delighted with your mini-page educating us about “American Black Patriots.” They fought in the Revoluti…

May 19, 2018

LETTER: Recognize an overdose

Dear editor,  Overdoses are happening everywhere, all over the country. In our current society, the streets are filled to the brim with ultra-strong heroin that’s often mixed with fentanyl and a mu…

May 4, 2018

LETTER: Widening Highway 90 doesn't seem "family friendly"

Dear editor,     Mr. Cumming’s letter on widening highway 90 noted how it would "enhance and beautify our little town." I guess beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. As I understand the propos…

May 4, 2018

LETTER: What the upcoming rally is about

Editor's note: This letter has been edited for content. Dear editor,  There are many Milton residents who have asked me to (recent posts). I have resisted because I did not want to add any fuel t…

Apr 27, 2018

LETTER: Four-laning Highway 90 would be an atrocity

Dear editor,     Voltaire once said, "Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities." In Milton "those" would be Jimmy Messick and his cohorts who are hysterically p…

Apr 27, 2018

LETTER: Attacks on Trump relate to moving the embassy to Jerusalem

Dear editor,     President Trump’s stick-to-itiveness no matter what blesses many, God, too, surely. Has he ever had a day’s peace? Does he even realize God’s been using him? There were 17 cand…

Apr 20, 2018

LETTER: Juvenile delinquents run our city

Dear editor,     My name is Brenda and I have a few things that I wish to share with everyone. I came to this town over 50 years ago to a very quiet and nice, small town to live, work and raise…
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