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Apr 17, 2013
A year ago, on April 15, 2012, my dad died. The last lucid conversation I had with him was on Easter. We spoke, but he didn't sound right, so I had him put my aunt on the phone and she told me his ch…

Mar 19, 2013
I have no roots. I realize this each summer when I travel back to Paris where I grew up. I have no roots. I feel it every so often while experiencing micro culture shocks while living in Americ…

Mar 13, 2013
Last month, with the high-profile coverage of the fugitive ex-police officer in California, we were reminded how law enforcement officers risk their lives daily to stop dangerous criminals like the m…

Mar 12, 2013
Belgium has the HSL-1. This train has been in service since 1997 and is capable of 186 miles per hour. The Italian ETR500 does Belgium a little better with top speeds of 190 mph. The Eurostar c…

Feb 7, 2013
Every year, we say we aren't going to talk about this. Every year, we do. So, here we go again. Did you see the commercials in this year's Super Bowl? No one really seems to care about the s…

Feb 5, 2013
It isn't always fun to report the news. At times, it's downright painful. Readers of any legitimate newspaper – especially a hometown community paper – should realize the reporters are people t…

Feb 5, 2013
Five people received treatment last week after a dimethylamine leak at Taminco in Pace. (Two of those actually work at the facility and another was a truck driver on the scene at the time – the other…

Jan 23, 2013
Last week was one of many in the last few years that Al Gore regretted “inventing” the Internet.  He is catching a lot of heat (none of which can be regulated and taxed with carbon emissions control …

Jan 23, 2013
I am disappointed that President Obama and Vice President Biden continue to use tragedies for the purpose of forwarding their agenda to take firearms out of the hands of law-abiding citizens. This ad…

Jan 22, 2013
When I attended primary and secondary school — during the 1940s and ’50s — one didn’t hear of the kind of shooting mayhem that’s become routine today. Why? It surely wasn’t because of strict firearm …
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