Jul 29, 2014
America's Growing Nest, time for some to fly out
Flying never happens until the bird leaves the nest.
President Johnson's Great Society is just over fifty years old. During this very long period America's great society nest has become huge …
Jul 29, 2014
Putin, and Blaming Others: Back-n the USSR
Russian-backed Ukrainian separatists, bent on getting the old USSR band back together, shot down a Malaysian airliner. Rivaled only by Obama, Putin is adept at blaming others. He did so in this case,…
Jul 22, 2014
Our Unwillingness to Defend Ourselves
The U.S. Justice Department's Bureau of Justice Statistics reports that 2012 losses because of personal identity theft totaled $24.7 billion (http://tinyurl.com/mdncmmw). The money losses from identi…
Jul 18, 2014
Illegal Immigration, how many will the boat hold?
Two thousand two hundred and twenty-three people desperately tried to escape from the sinking Titanic. One thousand five hundred and seventeen perished, as they could not escape. Most of them could n…
Jul 14, 2014
With 'friends' like Facebook…
Facebook has endured. I thought the social networking phenomenon would have slowed down after everyone got to look at that sandwich I had for lunch or the family pictures from Dollywood I posted last…
Jul 7, 2014
Obama Administration’s Selective Prosecution of Opponents
Never in our country's history has an administration used “our government” so aggressively against its enemies. It has attempted to harm opponents through selective prosecutions, thereby sending a m…
Jul 7, 2014
Economic Freedom
A couple of years ago, President Barack Obama, speaking on the economy, told an audience in Osawatomie, Kansas: "'The market will take care of everything,' they tell us. … But here's the problem: I…
Jul 3, 2014
Celebrating the Fourth, who will keep America going?
By Glenn Mollette
We live in an interconnected world. Energy, cars, televisions, clothes and much more are traded among the countries. There are positives with global trade. If we can't get a…
Jul 3, 2014
Weapons of mass destruction found in Iraq
Dear Editor,
With the invasion of Iraq by rebels or terrorists, depending on which country they are in, the news media reported on a Iraq ammo depot. The focus of the news report was the…