Jan 8, 2013
Overheard – Jan. 2, 2013
Hall Fighting Irish!! Carla Carter
Roll Tide Roll Brittney Camp
ALABAMA Lisa Seale
Roll tide baby Erica Davis Crandall
Roll tide roll! Irish soup !!!…
Jan 8, 2013
Speak Out – Jan. 2, 2013
Monday 5:58 p.m. I know it don’t very cost very much to have a light in your street. We have had a light for many years since we move here on (not understood) drive. A lot of people don’t have that a…
Dec 31, 2012
Looking back at the big events of 2012
Here is my annual look back at the year that was: 1. Hillary Clinton denied knowing much about the Benghazi attacks, and then said she had a “concussion” and could not testify. It made us all feel no…
Dec 31, 2012
What should the West do about Middle East and democracy?
Here’s the first paragraph of my last year’s column “Democracy Is Impossible”: “After Moammar Gadhafi’s downfall as Libya’s tyrannical ruler, politicians and ‘experts’ in the U.S. and elsewhere, incl…
Dec 31, 2012
Teens constantly walk the line of naughty and nice
With many kids gearing up for a holiday at home, their parents may soon be wrestling with the question of the season, “naughty or nice?” In making the calculation about their teenager’s behavior, it’…
Dec 31, 2012
Speak Out – Dec. 29, 2012
Saturday, 11 p.m. Yes, I think it’s time for prayer and to help (not understood) what working we do to heal the country. We need to heal the country with love and get along with our neighbors and fri…
Dec 31, 2012
Our View – A modern-day duality
“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light,…
Dec 28, 2012
Home from Africa for the holidays
When she first told me she wanted to go to Africa for two years to serve in the Peace Corps, I knew she would eventually do it. She does everything she sets her mind to accomplish. My daughter, Charl…
Dec 27, 2012
Speak Out – Dec. 26, 2012
Friday, 8:50 p.m. Hi, this is Bonnie. The Santa’s Fly-In that the Peter Prince Airport had Saturday was marvelous. I know it’s the second year they’ve had it. I believe everybody enjoyed themselves. …
Dec 27, 2012
RON HART: Day-O: Daylight come and I wanna go home
St. Lucia Starved for attention, liberal nut-job Harry Belafonte told the Most Rev. Al Sharpton on PMS-NBC last week that “There should be this lingering infestation of really corrupt people who sit …