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Sep 2, 2014
In a twist of fate, pirates gave of their loot to authorities of the sea. The Blackwater Pyrates, under Captain Whitebeard, Walt Schumann (left), gave $1,750 to Milton’s Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotill…

Aug 29, 2014
Sonya Robinson, President of the Milton Garden Club (MGC) welcomed new and returning members to the club, Friday. Every August the club’s season starts up again with the Milton Garden Club Welcome Co…

Aug 29, 2014
Members of Chipley Garden Club, Wausau Garden Club and Washington County Master Gardeners attended Florida Federation of Garden Clubs, Inc. Short Course North “Month-by-Month” in Milton, Thursday and…

Aug 25, 2014
Tara Braswell, a Home Health Care nurse with Baptist Hospital, is shown receiving a Milton Pride tag holder from Santa Rosa Sunrise Kiwanis President Jack Culberson.  Ms. Braswell explained the Home …

Aug 25, 2014
Tom Scott, left, with the President of Santa Rosa Sunrise Kiwanis Jack Culberson recently presented a most interesting talk to the Kiwanis members regarding the proposed Blackwater River Maritime Tra…

Aug 18, 2014
Jane Simmons and Lauren Kirn from Vision of Hope are pictured getting their "Light up Milton" Rotary pen from stand-in Tracy Allen.  The ladies spoke to the club about Vision of Hope and the great wo…

Aug 5, 2014
Robin Punyko is shown giving the "Light up Milton" Rotary pen to Aimee Dewitt of Operation Child.  Aimee gave us an overview of not only how Operation Christmas Child works but also how many countrie…

Jul 29, 2014
A Jefferson Davis Tea was celebrated on June 21, hosted by Simpson Mounted Rangers #2685, Milton chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy.  The ladies wore picture hats reminiscent of the g…

Jul 18, 2014
Margarita Vazquez (left) of Primerica Financial is pictured here with Lena Attaway (right), secretary of Milton's Sunrise Kiwanis Club. Margarita presented a briefing on individual debt control to th…

Jul 18, 2014
Author and motivational speaker J.R. Thompson speaks with first hand experience about the substances of the books he has published as well as his personal mission that he shares across the State of F…
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