Legal & Public Notices
Public Notice
136525336550NOTICE OFDEADLINE TO REGISTER Supervisor of Elections,Tappie A. Villane, hereby gives Notice that the Santa Rosa County voter registration books will close onMonday, October7, 2024, for registration to be eligible to vote in theGeneralElectionthat willbe held onNovember5, 2024. Regular business hours for the main officelocatedat 6495 Caroline St, MiltonareMonday throughFriday from 8:00-4:30. Regular business hours forthe South Annexlocatedat5841 Gulf Breeze Pkwy, Gulf Breezewill be Monday through Friday from 8:00-4:30. New registrationsmay be completed by visiting votesantarosa.govand selecting Register to Vote. Mailed formsmust bepostmarked byOctober7, 2024. Both locations will extend office hoursuntil7p.m.onMonday,October7, 2024. Anyone with questions or comments should call the Elections Office at 983-1900or visit our website at: Tappie A. Villane,Supervisor of Elections Santa Rosa County, Florida También está disponible enEspañolsi se solicita. Por favor llame al (850) 983-1900 o 1-833-912-1315. ML3326 NOTICE OFDEADLINE TO REGISTER Supervisor of Elections,Tappie A. Villane, hereby gives Notice that the Santa Rosa County voter registration books will close onMonday, October7, 2024, for registration to be eligible to vote in theGeneralElectionthat willbe held onNovember5, 2024. Regular business hours for the main officelocatedat 6495 Caroline St, MiltonareMonday throughFriday from 8:00-4:30. Regular business hours forthe South Annexlocatedat5841 Gulf Breeze Pkwy, Gulf Breezewill be Monday through Friday from 8:00-4:30. New registrationsmay be completed by visiting votesantarosa.govand selecting Register to Vote. Mailed formsmust bepostmarked byOctober7, 2024. Both locations will extend office hoursuntil7p.m.onMonday,October7, 2024. Anyone with questions or comments should call the Elections Office at 983-1900or visit our website at: Tappie A. Villane,Supervisor of Elections Santa Rosa County, Florida También está disponible enEspañolsi se solicita. Por favor llame al (850) 983-1900 o 1-833-912-1315. ML3326
Public Notice
PUBLIC NOTICE PLEASE TAKE NOTICEthat special magistrates appointed by the Santa Rosa County Value Adjustment Board, in compliance with§196.194, Fla. Stat., will conduct hearings at the Santa Rosa County Administrative Center, Board Room, 6495 Caroline Street, Milton, Florida on the following date, to hear objection to the valuation placed on real estate by the Property Appraiser: October 16thbeginning at 9:00 a.m. with a makeup date of October 18thbeginning at 9:00 a.m. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Fla. Stat. §286.26, persons needing special accommodations to participate in this proceeding should contact Amanda Pierce, Clerk to the Board's Office,,at least 24 hours prior to the proceeding. Telephone: 850-983-1832. Donald C. Spencer, Clerk of the Circuit Court As Clerk of the Value Adjustment Board ML3325
Fictitious Name Notice NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned, desiring to engage in business under the fictitious name of Katie Vito, at 1932Iris lane, in the County of Santa Rosa, in the city of Navarre, Florida, 32566, intends to register the said name with the Division of Corporations of the Florida Department of State, Tallahassee, Florida. Dated at Navarre, Florida, this26thday ofSeptember2024. Katherine Stutz, owner, or Corporation full name. ML3324
File #: 2024186 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT KEYS FUNDING LLC -9022 ,holder of the following Tax Sale Certificate has filed said Tax Certificate for the Tax Deed to be issued thereon. The Certificate Number and year of Issuance, the Description of the property, and Name(s) in which it is assessed is as follows: Certificate Number: 2202264 Year of Issuance: 2022 Description of Property: COM AT NW CORN OF NE4 THN S0* 18'30"E 380 FT THN W 380 FT THN S0*18'30"E 710 FT TO POB & CONT 330 FT THN W 265.75 FT THN N 330 FT THN E 264 FT TO POB AS DES IN OR 885 PG 920 LESS ALL MINERAL RIGHTS LESS THE S 1/2 NOW #213 AS PER SEP REQ DTD 12/5/08 Parcel ID: 19-1N-28-0000-00144-0000 Name in which Assessed: CHARLES R SHARP (ESTATE) All ofthe above property is located in Santa Rosa County, In the state of Florida. Unless such certificate(s) shall be redeemed according to the law the property described in such certificate(s) will be sold to the highest bidder online at on the 11/04/2024 at 12:00 noon CT, by Donald C. Spencer, Santa Rosa County Clerk of the Courts. ML3323
File #: 2024181 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT KEYS FUNDING LLC -7022 ,holder of the following Tax Sale Certificate has filed said Tax Certificate for the Tax Deed to be issued thereon. The Certificate Number and year of Issuance, the Description of the property, and Name(s) in which it is assessed is as follows: Certificate Number: 2201426 Year of Issuance: 2022 Description of Property: LOTS 3 & 4 S2 LOT 2 N2 OF LOT5 SUB OF SW4 OF SW4 ALSO BEG SW COR OF 14 1N 28W THN N 536.4 FT; THN E 209.2 FT TO POB; THN E 209.2 FT; THN N 209.2 FT; THN W 209.2 FT; THN S 209.2 FT TO POB AS DES IN OR 106 PG 4 Parcel ID: 14-1N-28-0000-00500-0000 Name in which Assessed: BEN T CHRISTIAN All ofthe above property is located in Santa Rosa County, In the state of Florida. Unless such certificate(s) shall be redeemed according to the law the property described in such certificate(s) will be sold to the highest bidder online at on the 11/04/2024 at 12:00 noon CT, by Donald C. Spencer, Santa Rosa County Clerk of the Courts. ML3322
DISCLAIMER: Additional legal notices may be accessed on the newspaper’s website and the statewide legal notice website. Legal notices are also published in the print edition of the newspaper and on the statewide legal notice website.
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