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Public Notice

NOTICE OF HEARING TO IMPOSE AND PROVIDE FOR COLLECTION OF FIRE RESCUE NON-AD VALOREM ASSESSMENTS Notice is hereby given that the Holley Navarre Fire District (“District”) will conduct a public hearing to consider reimposing fire rescue non-ad valorem assessments for the provision of fire rescue services within the District for the Fiscal Year beginning October 1,2024and future fiscal years until discontinued by the District. A map of theDistrictis located at the end of this Notice. The hearing will be held at 6:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as possible, on August 26, 2024, at Fire Station 45, 8618 Esplanade Street, Navarre, Florida, for the purpose of receiving public comment on the proposed assessments. All affected property owners have a right to appear at the hearing and to file written objections with the Board of Fire Commissioners within 20 days of this notice. If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the Board of Fire Commissioners with respect to any matter considered at the hearing, such person will need a record of the proceedings and may need to ensure that a verbatim record is made, including the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be made. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons needing a special accommodation to participate in this proceeding should contact theDistrictat least two (2) days prior to the proceedings. Telephone (850) 939-5236 for assistance. The total annual fire services assessment revenue to be collected within theDistrictis estimated to be $3,844,696 for fiscal year October 1, 2024 – September 30, 2025. The assessments for each parcel of property will be based upon each parcel’s Property Use classification and the total number of billing units attributed to that parcel. The following table reflects the proposed fire rescue services assessment schedule being considered by District for the Fiscal Year beginning October 1, 2024: FY 24-25 Fire Services Assessment Rates Residential Property Use Category Rate Per Square Foot Minimum Charge Residential $0.0656 $150.79 Non-Residential Property Use Categories Rate Per Square Foot Minimum Charge Non-Residential $0.2181 $501.58 Land Use Category Rate Per Lot/Acre Minimum Charge Vacant Lot $35.3717 $35.37 Unimproved Acres $11.7906 $35.37 Maximum Fire Services Assessment RatesForFuture Fiscal Years Residential Property Use Category Rate Per Square Foot Minimum Charge Residential $0.0746 $171.58 Non-Residential Property Use Categories Rate Per Square Foot Minimum Charge Non-Residential $0.2484 $571.32 Land Use Category Rate Per Lot/Acre Minimum Charge Vacant Lot $40.29 $40.29 Unimproved Acres $13.34 $40.29 Copies of the legal documents for the assessment program are available for inspection at theDistrictoffice, located at 8618 Esplanade Street, Navarre, Florida. The assessments will be collected on the ad valorem tax bill to be mailed in November 2024, as authorized by section 197.3632, Florida Statutes. Failure to pay the assessments will cause a tax certificate to be issued against the property which may result in a loss of title. If you have any questions, please contact theDistrictat (850) 939-5236 between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Board of Commissioners Holley Navarre Fire District NP1438


Public Notice

NOTICE OF CHANGE OFLANDUSE ANDINTENT TO CONSIDER AN ORDINANCE   The Santa Rosa CountyZoningBoard and Board of County Commissioners will conduct public hearings to considera change of land use and/or rezoning of land areas depicted on the maps within this advertisement.The hearings are scheduled as follows: ZoningBoard(to consider and make a recommendation on the proposals): Thursday,August 8,2024,at 6:00 p.m. Board of County Commissioners(to consider adoption of the ordinance): Thursday,August 22,2024,at5:00 p.m. The Zoning Board meeting and the Board of County Commissioners meeting will be held at the Santa Rosa County Administrative Center in the Board Meeting Room, 6495 Caroline Street, Milton, Florida.  At the public hearings, the Zoning Board and Board of County Commissioners shall consider the ordinances entitled: Ordinance1: AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO SANTA ROSA COUNTY, FLORIDA; AMENDING ORDINANCE21-19AS AMENDED;AMENDINGTHE ZONING DISTRICTS AS DEPICTED IN THE ATTACHEDMAPS; APPROVING THE AMENDMENTS TO THE OFFICIAL ZONINGMAPOF THELANDDEVELOPMENT CODE AS DEPICTED IN THE ATTACHEDMAPS; AMENDING ORDINANCE2021-13; AMENDING THE FUTURE LAND USE MAP OF THE SANTA ROSA COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN; CHANGING THELANDUSE CLASSIFICATIONS AS DEPICTED IN THE ATTACHEDMAPS;providing for codification;ANDPROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Zoning District Amended:fromR1 (Single Family Residential)toR1M (Mixed Residential Subdivision)-total approximately0.32(+/-) acres Future Land Use Amended:No Change (INSERT MAP 2024-18-R) Zoning District Amended:fromAGRR (Rural Residential Agriculture)to R1M (Mixed Residential Subdivision)-total approximately0.25(+/-) acres Future Land Use Amended:from AG-RR (Agriculture Rural Residential)to SFR (Single Family Residential)- total approximately0.25(+/-) acres (INSERT MAP 2024-24-RSS) Zoning District Amended:fromR1M (Mixed Residential Subdivision)toHCD (Highway Commercial Development)-total approximately0.39(+/-) acres Future Land Use Amended:fromSFR (Single Family Residential) to COMM (Commercial)-total approximately0.39(+/-) acres (INSERT MAP 2024-25-RSS) The proposed ordinance and map may be inspected by the public prior to the above scheduled meetings at the Santa Rosa County Planning Department, 6051 Old Bagdad Highway, Milton, Florida. Theagenda and backup documentation will be available via the Meetings & Agendas Page of the County’s website atwww.santarosa.fl.govapproximately 1 week prior to each scheduled meeting. Interested parties may appear at the meetings and be heard with respect to this proposed ordinance. All interested parties should take notice that if they decide to appeal any decision made by the Santa Rosa County Board of County Commissioners with respect to any matter coming before said Board at said meeting, it is their individual responsibility to insure that a record of proceedings they are appealing exists and for such purpose they will need to insure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record shall include the testimony and the evidence upon which their appeal is to be based. Santa RosaCountyadheres to the Americans with Disabilities Act and will make reasonable modifications for access to this meeting upon request. Please call Santa Rosa County Planning, Zoning and Development Division at (850) 981-7086to make a request.  For the Hearing-Impaired, 1-800-955-8770 (Voice).  Requests must be received at least 48 hours in advance of the meetingin order toprovide the requested service.   NP1437


Public Notice

136525336550NOTICE OFDEADLINE TO REGISTER Supervisor of Elections,Tappie A. Villane, hereby gives Notice that the Santa Rosa County voter registration books will close onMonday, October7, 2024, for registration to be eligible to vote in theGeneralElectionthat willbe held onNovember5, 2024. Regular business hours for the main officelocatedat 6495 Caroline St, MiltonareMonday throughFriday from 8:00-4:30. Regular business hours forthe South Annexlocatedat5841 Gulf Breeze Pkwy, Gulf Breezewill be Monday through Friday from 8:00-4:30. New registrationsmay be completed by visiting votesantarosa.govand selecting Register to Vote. Mailed formsmust bepostmarked byOctober7, 2024. Both locations will extend office hoursuntil7p.m.onMonday,October7, 2024. Anyone with questions or comments should call the Elections Office at 983-1900or visit our website at: Tappie A. Villane,Supervisor of Elections Santa Rosa County, Florida También está disponible enEspañolsi se solicita. Por favor llame al (850) 983-1900 o 1-833-912-1315. ML3326 NOTICE OFDEADLINE TO REGISTER Supervisor of Elections,Tappie A. Villane, hereby gives Notice that the Santa Rosa County voter registration books will close onMonday, October7, 2024, for registration to be eligible to vote in theGeneralElectionthat willbe held onNovember5, 2024. Regular business hours for the main officelocatedat 6495 Caroline St, MiltonareMonday throughFriday from 8:00-4:30. Regular business hours forthe South Annexlocatedat5841 Gulf Breeze Pkwy, Gulf Breezewill be Monday through Friday from 8:00-4:30. New registrationsmay be completed by visiting votesantarosa.govand selecting Register to Vote. Mailed formsmust bepostmarked byOctober7, 2024. Both locations will extend office hoursuntil7p.m.onMonday,October7, 2024. Anyone with questions or comments should call the Elections Office at 983-1900or visit our website at: Tappie A. Villane,Supervisor of Elections Santa Rosa County, Florida También está disponible enEspañolsi se solicita. Por favor llame al (850) 983-1900 o 1-833-912-1315. ML3326


Public Notice

PUBLIC NOTICE PLEASE TAKE NOTICEthat special magistrates appointed by the Santa Rosa County Value Adjustment Board, in compliance with§196.194, Fla. Stat., will conduct hearings at the Santa Rosa County Administrative Center, Board Room, 6495 Caroline Street, Milton, Florida on the following date, to hear objection to the valuation placed on real estate by the Property Appraiser: October 16thbeginning at 9:00 a.m. with a makeup date of October 18thbeginning at 9:00 a.m. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Fla. Stat. §286.26, persons needing special accommodations to participate in this proceeding should contact Amanda Pierce, Clerk to the Board's Office,,at least 24 hours prior to the proceeding. Telephone: 850-983-1832. Donald C. Spencer, Clerk of the Circuit Court As Clerk of the Value Adjustment Board ML3325



Fictitious Name Notice NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned, desiring to engage in business under the fictitious name of Katie Vito, at 1932Iris lane, in the County of Santa Rosa, in the city of Navarre, Florida, 32566, intends to register the said name with the Division of Corporations of the Florida Department of State, Tallahassee, Florida. Dated at Navarre, Florida, this26thday ofSeptember2024. Katherine Stutz, owner, or Corporation full name. ML3324

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