Jul 24, 2023
Brian Out Loud
High school coaches don’t have it easy. Most of them try to do the best job that they can, but often, they are in a no-win situation.
I’m not saying coaches are perfect. They get things wrong. We all do. It’s called being human.
Jul 18, 2023
Jubilee smoke and mirrors
Henry Ford reportedly once told a customer he could have a Model T in any color he wanted, as long as it was black. That same one-sided approach is evident as Jubilee developers seek zoning approval in a campaign of smoke and mirrors.
Jul 18, 2023
Collins said ‘no thank you’
Scott Collins, the Milton city manager candidate who stood head and shoulders above the rest, said no thank you to the job offer. There was no counteroffer, there was no real negotiation. It was a plain and simple – no.
Jul 18, 2023
Out and About
I went to the south annex today to renew my tags and there was a lady outside of the doors with a table and a bunch of paper on it and she yelled out at me, “Please come sign this petition to protect woman’s health care rights.”
Jul 18, 2023
For God’s Sake: , Christ uses rain to teach God’s children about their Father’s common grace
With all the rain we have been having this summer on the Florida panhandle, I am giving serious consideration to building an ark!
Anyone who knows me knows that me building anything is a disaster waiting to happen. My failed work projects are legend.
Jul 10, 2023
Brian Out Loud
I made a trip home to Illinois last month. My baggage from the airplane didn’t, kind of like the way the Dallas Cowboys never seem to make the Super Bowl anymore.
But that’s a column for another day.
Jul 5, 2023
Commissioners should approve Jubilee
It’s the most resilient project ever in Santa Rosa County and it has been in the making for 20 years.
If you ask yourself why the developers of Jubilee don’t give up it is because it is a project that could change the economic landscape of Pace and it a property they have invested in for 20 years.
Jul 3, 2023
For God’s Sake: Trust in Him
These days, there seems to be a credulity gap between what people say and what they do.
The credulity gap to which I am referring is when a person or an institution champions an ideal but acts in a manner contrary to it. The technical term for this credulity gap is “an issue of plausibility.”
Jul 3, 2023
Brian Out Loud
I really could have written this column with one emoji. You know the one where the person has the hand slapping the face.
That really would have covered all you need to know about the district set up for cross-country for the teams in this area.
Jun 26, 2023
Out and About
Our editorial this week should be an eye-opener for anyone with children or anyone who cares about children in our school district.
Another issue that has been bubbling up is the Holley-Navarre Water System’s 2019-2020 policy which looks at commercial properties, what the property originally paid in tap fees, and what their current usage is, only to ask for impact fees –after the fact.