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Oct 12, 2012
“What My Vote Will Mean To Me” is the theme for the Fleet Reserve Association’s (FRA) annual Americanism essay contest. According to Ron Williams, local Fleet Reserve branch president, “The contest i…

Oct 12, 2012
City of Milton meetings Milton's storm water management committee will meet Oct. 16 at 9 a.m. in Conference Room B at Milton City Hall. Milton's finance committee will meet Oct. 18 at 9 a.m. in the c…

Oct 12, 2012
Faith Briefs are published every Saturday in the Press Gazette. If your church has an event, special service, singing, vacation bible school, or other event please e-mail the announcement to news@srp…

Oct 12, 2012
A soon-to-be restaurant in town has football flowing through its veins. And the blood in those veins is colored black and gold. That’s because all three of the owners, Scott Middlebrooks, Gregg Gulli…

Oct 12, 2012
Today’s baby of the week is William "Hunter" Copple, 15 months old. He was born on the 4th of July to Billy and Michelle Copple of Jay. Hunter is the grandson of Sandra Copple, Pace, Sue Furth, Milto…

Oct 12, 2012
Vic Campbell, speaker at Santa Rosa Sunrise Kiwanis, is presented with a "Sunrise" Kiwanis license holder, by President Dewitt Nobles after the meeting at Tanglewood Golf Course. Campbell claims he i…

Oct 12, 2012
Santa Rosa County School Lunch Menu’s for the week of Oct. 15 – Oct. 19 according to the menu’s released by the Santa Rosa County School District Food Service. Each meal includes a choice of fat free…

Oct 12, 2012
Yoga is a well-known form of exercise that helps stretch and relax a person’s body, resulting in enhanced physical fitness and balance. And Susan Neal, a Pace resident, has helped bring the form of e…

Oct 12, 2012
Santa Rosa County teacher and long time Milton resident Wes Meiss took the civics lessons he has learned and taught one step further on Tuesday. The former Santa Rosa County Rookie-Teacher-of the-Yea…

Oct 12, 2012
Two unnamed people have come forward alleging that the assistant to the tax collector of Santa Rosa County, Edward Collinsworth, allegedly sexually assaulted them over three decades ago. One of the a…
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