Dec 17, 2012
Police search for Milton drive-by shooting suspects
MILTON — Police are searching for two suspects of a drive-by shooting Sunday morning.
The victim was uninjured, dropping to the ground when shots were fired. Police responded to a call about the s…
Dec 17, 2012
Calendar of Events
Constitution and Coffee The Constitution and Coffee group will meet each Saturday at 7 a.m. at the Coffee Break on Woodbine Rd. in Pace. All are welcome to come and listen or participate in the discu…
Dec 17, 2012
Program director at girl's detention facility accused of excessive force
The Program Director at the Milton Girls Juvenile Residential Facility is under investigation by law enforcement for excessive use of force and improper conduct in a November 2 incident, according to…
Dec 17, 2012
HHS launches
Health and Human Services recently announced the launch of, a comprehensive website providing one-stop access to the best and most up-to-date tobacco-related information from across…
Dec 17, 2012
Building climate warms up in Santa Rosa County
Overextended mortgages resulting in massive home foreclosures within the last few years, are perhaps the one issue considered most responsible for the national economic downturn experienced both loca…
Dec 17, 2012
Dec 17, 2012
Florida, we have a lionfish problem
Let’s talk straight. Lionfish are a challenge. Native to the Indian Ocean and South Pacific, these beautiful yet venomous creatures are spreading through our waters like a bad cold. Within their nati…
Dec 17, 2012
Officials plan workshop to help homeowners with termite contracts
In order to further increase the chances for successful protection of homes and businesses from the aggressive Formosan termite, Rep. Doug Broxson (R–Midway) and the Navarre Area Board of Realtors® (…
Dec 17, 2012
Tattoo stigmas are becoming a thing of the past
As he sat in the Highway 90 Whataburger eating his patty melt, Roger Schaffer, 59, didn’t attract a single glance or look. Not one person paid him any mind. Though, we would expect it given the fact …
Dec 17, 2012
Servicemen announcements
Green graduates from Lackland Air Force Reserve Airman Amber D. Green graduated from basic military training at Lackland Air Force Base, San Antonio, Texas. The airman completed an intensive, eight-w…