Aug 8, 2018
Santa Rosa Community Briefs
MILTON — Here's a look at upcoming events in Santa Rosa County and surrounding areas. UPCOMING Historical presentations MILTON — August is History Month in 2018. In celebration, the Santa Rosa Historical Society invites the public to a series of free historical presentations. All presentations are free and open to the public. The Imogene Theatre […]
Aug 8, 2018
Milton Historic Cemetery seeks security
MILTON — Milton city council approved a motion to explore giving funds to the Historic Cemetery Board for security for the Milton Historic Cemetery at the Aug. 14 council meeting.
HCB president Pa…
Aug 7, 2018
Santa Rosa County Sheriff's Office gets blood hound puppies
MILTON — The Santa Rosa County Sherriff’s Office welcomed two new recruits to their department today with the addition of two hound dog puppies. Sheriff Bob Johnson held a press conference introduci…
Aug 7, 2018
City manager candidate meet and greet event
MILTON ¬— A community event is scheduled for the public to meet the final two candidates for the Milton city manager position at the Guy Thompson Community Center at 9 a.m. on August 11. The hour l…
Aug 7, 2018
'It’s a focused dream'
MILTON — Richard Lowery was recently evicted from his home due to new property owners not accepting section 8 housing. However, Lowery hasn't let his dream die of owning a seafood restaurant — Poseid…
Aug 3, 2018
Aboard guided-missile submarine, Navarre native plays a key role in unique Navy mission
SILVERDALE, Wash. — A 2017 Navarre High School graduate and Navarre native is serving in the U.S. Navy as part of a crew working aboard a unique guided-missile submarine, USS Ohio, one of only four i…
Aug 3, 2018
August events at Imogene Theatre
MILTON — The Imogene Theatre, 6866 Caroline St. regularly holds entertaining and historical events. See what’s coming up at the theatre.
Kyle Verner, of R. E. Development Inc., which manages the Im…
Aug 3, 2018
What's Happening in Santa Rosa County
MILTON — Upcoming Santa Rosa County events and activities are as follows. ANNOUNCEMENTS FENTANYL ADDICTION: Narconon reminds families that fentanyl overdoses are on the rise in almost every community nationwide. Fentanyl is the strongest synthetic opiate painkiller and is estimated to be 100 times more potent than morphine and 50 times stronger than heroin. To learn […]
Aug 3, 2018
'Justice has been done'
MILTON — Pace resident Stephen Williams was arrested on July 2 on suspicion of impersonating a Pensacola Police Department detective. July 25, the state dropped the charges. Williams, a field team le…
Aug 3, 2018
Main Street seeks $216,000 budget request
MILTON — Main Street Milton has recently experienced some changes with the hiring of a new executive director and event coordinator.
While Main Street's operating budget does not come solely from c…