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Sep 7, 2017
PACE — On Sept. 16, Pace Assembly of God will host the first Voice of the Martyrs ADVANCE Conference in Northwest Florida, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. The Voice of the Martyrs is a nonprofit, interdenomi…

Sep 6, 2017
Bethlehem Primitive Baptist Church will sell fish and chicken dinners starting at 9 a.m. on Sept. 9 at the Magnolia Educational Recreational Center, 5292 Richburg St., in East Milton. Dinners will …

Aug 24, 2017
MILTON — Here is a list of scheduled faith-based services and events.  UPCOMING FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH OF PACE: These events take place at 4540 Chumuckla Highway, Pace, unless otherwise noted: Saturday, Aug. 26: 11 a.m. Megan's Love, a ministry to Pensacola’s homeless Sunday, Aug. 27: 9 a.m. Sunday school — nursery provided; 9:45 a.m. […]

Aug 18, 2017
MILTON — Here is a list of scheduled faith-based services and events.  UPCOMING FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH OF PACE: These events take place at 4540 Chumuckla Highway, Pace, unless otherwise noted: Saturday, Aug. 19: 11 a.m. Megan's Love, a ministry to Pensacola’s homeless Sunday, Aug. 20: 9 a.m. Sunday school — nursery provided, 9:45 a.m. […]

Aug 18, 2017
EAST MILTON — Nationally known speaker David Ring will be speaking at 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. Sept. 10 at East Side Baptist Church in East Milton, 4884 Ward Basin Road. The service will focus on how to …

Aug 14, 2017
MILTON — Here is a list of scheduled faith-based services and events.   UPCOMING FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH OF PACE: These events take place at 4540 Chumuckla Highway, Pace, unless otherwise noted: Wednesday, Aug. 16: 7 p.m. choir practice Saturday, Aug. 19: 11 a.m. Megan's Love, a ministry to Pensacola’s homeless Details: 994-5608 or RECURRING […]

Aug 10, 2017
MILTON — Here is a list of scheduled faith-based services and events. UPCOMING FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH OF PACE: These events take place at 4540 Chumuckla Highway, Pace, unless otherwise noted: Saturday, Aug. 12: 8 a.m. breakfast; 11 a.m. Meagan's Love, a ministry to Pensacola’s homeless Sunday, Aug. 13: 9 a.m. Sunday School for all […]

Aug 3, 2017
MILTON — Here is a list of scheduled faith-based services and events.  UPCOMING FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH OF PACE: These events take place at 4540 Chumuckla Highway, Pace, unless otherwise noted: Saturday, Aug. 5: 11 a.m. Megan’s Love, a ministry to Pensacola’s homeless Sunday, Aug. 6: 9 a.m. Sunday School for all ages, with nursery; […]

Jul 28, 2017
MILTON — On Aug. 4, 1867, Milton Episcopalians met for their first official service in the city.  St. Mary’s Episcopal Church is almost as old. The church at 6848 Oak St., where services take place…

Jul 27, 2017
MILTON — Here is a list of scheduled faith-based services and events.  UPCOMING FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH OF PACE: These events take place at 4540 Chumuckla Highway, Pace, unless otherwise noted: Sunday, July 30: 9 a.m. Sunday school, 9:45 a.m. coffee fellowship and 10:10 a.m. worship, 6 p.m. 5th Sunday Sing Monday, July 31: 6:45 […]
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