Jun 24, 2019
VBS continues through summer
Here is a list of Vacation Bible School offerings from local churches. Submit VBS information to faith@srpressgazette.com to have it added to the list.
Live Oak Baptist Church will h…
Jun 23, 2019
Emotions are a gift from God
I was born into a police family, and I’m extremely proud of my heritage.
Before I became a writer and a speaker, I had performed only two different jobs: a police officer and a businessman. Police…
Jun 14, 2019
Navarre author to be 'Family Talk' radio show guest
NAVARRE — Navarre resident David Jeffers recently flew to Colorado Springs, Colorado to appear on Dr. James Dobson’s nationally-syndicated radio show, "Family Talk."
The show will air June 14 on Pe…
Jun 9, 2019
Our path in life
Have you ever stopped during the middle of your day and asked yourself, "How in the world did I end up here?" I’m a self-diagnosed overthinker and anyone who knows me will agree — I overthink everyth…
Jun 7, 2019
Santa Rosa County Faith Briefs
Here is a list of scheduled faith-based services and events. Send church announcements to faith@srpressgazette.com at least two weeks in advance. Mount Zion sets annual Women's Day celebration Mount Zion African Methodist Episcopal Church will have its 59th Annual Women's Day celebration. Its theme is "Women on the Battlefield for Christ," based on Ephesians 6:11. The […]
May 23, 2019
Let God guide your life and conscience
The world tells us to get a job, work for 30 years, don’t ever quit, retire when it’s time, and die happy.
Don’t get me wrong; this is an admirable way to live your life, but it’s not the only way …
May 22, 2019
I CAN AND I WILL: Let God guide your life and conscience
The world tells us to get a job, work for 30 years, don’t ever quit, retire when it’s time, and die happy.
Don’t get me wrong. This is an admirable way to live your life, but it’s not the only way…
May 19, 2019
Beware wolves in the sheep's clothing
In my book, "I Can and I Will," I talk about being forced to block people from my life who spread discontent and hate. It wasn’t because I didn’t love them, but I could not let them weaken my relatio…
May 18, 2019
Santa Rosa County Faith Briefs
MILTON — Here is a list of scheduled faith-based services and events. UPCOMING Shish Kabob fundraiser set The Bethlehem Primitive Baptist Church Men's Department will sell shish kabobs 9:30 a.m. May 18 at Mail Box Plus, U.S. Highway 90, Milton. Each shish kabob will cost $2. This is a fundraiser for Men's Day, which is 11 […]