Jul 14, 2019
Vacation Bible School continues
Here is a list of Vacation Bible School offerings from local churches. Submit VBS information to faith@srgazette.com to have it added to the list.
First United Methodist Church Milton wi…
Jul 7, 2019
Being kind isn't always easy
Our lives can be overwhelming, and if you’re not the type to complain at every obstacle, others may tend to picture your life as perfect.
I’ve never been a complainer. Even when I slept in a car fo…
Jul 1, 2019
LDS Pensacola stake to celebrate 50th anniversary
PENSACOLA — Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the Pensacola area will gather to celebrate the 50th year of the regional stake church’s organization.
The celebration is 4…
Jun 24, 2019
Navarre author guest on 'Family Talk' radio show
Navarre resident David Jeffers recently flew to Colorado Springs, Colorado, to appear on Dr. James Dobson’s nationally syndicated radio show, "Family Talk."
The show originally aired June 14, and i…
Jun 24, 2019
VBS continues through summer
Here is a list of Vacation Bible School offerings from local churches. Submit VBS information to faith@srpressgazette.com to have it added to the list.
Live Oak Baptist Church will h…
Jun 23, 2019
Emotions are a gift from God
I was born into a police family, and I’m extremely proud of my heritage.
Before I became a writer and a speaker, I had performed only two different jobs: a police officer and a businessman. Police…
Jun 14, 2019
Navarre author to be 'Family Talk' radio show guest
NAVARRE — Navarre resident David Jeffers recently flew to Colorado Springs, Colorado to appear on Dr. James Dobson’s nationally-syndicated radio show, "Family Talk."
The show will air June 14 on Pe…
Jun 9, 2019
Our path in life
Have you ever stopped during the middle of your day and asked yourself, "How in the world did I end up here?" I’m a self-diagnosed overthinker and anyone who knows me will agree — I overthink everyth…