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Public Notice

THE SCHOOL BOARD OF SANTA ROSA COUNTY, FLORIDA NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING   The School Board of Santa Rosa County, Florida, will conduct a public Board meeting on Tuesday, January 18, 2022, at Canal Street Offices, 5086 Canal Street, Milton, FL 32570 at 9:00 am.   The public can participate by attending the meetings in-person or by watching the meetings via-live stream at Those desiring to provide public comment may do so in-person or by submitting comments, physical evidence, or other evidence to the following email address, and placing “Public Comment” in the subject line of the email message, or by mailing comments or evidence to Superintendent Dr. Karen Barber at 6032 Hwy. 90, Milton Fl 32570. All emails and other communications and evidence received by 4:00 pm CST on January 17, 2022 will be provided to Board Members in advance of the meeting and will be posted on the Board’s website along with the minutes of the Board Meeting. The public is advised that all comments and evidence received will be public records.   Additional information about this Board meeting can be obtained from Joseph Harrell, by email at, or by telephone at (850) 983-5123.   Dated this 4th day of January, 2022.   THE SCHOOL BOARD OF SANTA ROSA COUNTY, FLORIDA By: Dr. Karen Barber, Superintendent of Schools   1/5/2022




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DISCLAIMER: Additional legal notices may be accessed on the newspaper’s website and the statewide legal notice website. Legal notices are also published in the print edition of the newspaper and on the statewide legal notice website.

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