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Legal & Public Notices

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NOTICE OF SALE   Extra Space Storage will hold a public auction to sell personal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below at the location indicated:   6065 Vanity Fair Road, Milton, FL 32570 AUCTION DATE 01/21/2022 10:00AM   Jocelyn Jimenez furniture, cook ware Kimberly Wellborn boxes,totes,toys   The auction will be listed and advertised on Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property.   PUB: Jan 05 & 12, 2022




IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 1ST JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR SANTA ROSA COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 57-2019-CA-000609   UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, acting through the United States Department of Agriculture, Rural Development, f/k/a Farmers Home Administration, a/k/a Rural Housing Service, Plaintiff,   vs.   MISTY R. PRICE, et al., Defendant(s).   NOTICE OF JUDICIAL SALE   NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to an Order of Final Judgment entered in the above styled case now pending in said Court, that the Clerk will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash on January 11, 2022, except as prescribed in Paragraph 5, in accordance with Florida Statutes §45.031, by electronic sale, bidding begins at 11:00 A.M. Central Time, on the specified date, (except legal holidays) on, or alternatively, if the Court deems appropriate, at the Santa Rosa County Courthouse at 6865 Caroline Street, Milton Florida 32570, for the following described property:   Lot 20, Block A of Charleston Oaks, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book D, Page(s) 67, of the Public Records of Santa Rosa County, Florida. Which has the address of 5976 Savannah Drive, Milton Florida 32570.   ANY PERSON CLAIMING AN INTEREST IN THE SURPLUS FROM THE SALE, IF ANY, OTHER THAN THE PROPERTY OWNER AS OF THE DATE OF THE LIS PENDENS MUST FILE A CLAIM BEFORE THE CLERK REPORTS THE SURPLUS AS UNCLAIMED.   THE GILCHRIST LAW FIRM, PA Attorney for Plaintiff   Vanessa Angulo, Esq. Florida Bar No.: 109012   12/29, 1/5/2022



Public Notice

TRI-COUNTY COMMUNITY COUNCIL, INC. 302 North Oklahoma Street; Bonifay, FL 32425   LEGAL AD     Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and to promote social distancing, Tri-County Community Council, Inc., Board of Directors will meet via conference call at 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, January 13, 2022 at the Administrative Office located at 302 North Oklahoma Street, Bonifay, FL 32425 with Finance and Head Start Committee meeting at 4:15 p.m. For more information, please call 1-800-395-2696.   Pub: January 5, 2022




File #: 2022020 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED   NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT MHF RETIREMENT TRUST , holder of the following Tax Sale Certificate has filed said Tax Certificate for the Tax Deed to be issued thereon. The Certificate Number and year of Issuance, the Description of the property, and Name(s) in which it is assessed is as follows: Certificate Number: 2002 Year of Issuance: 2015 Description of Property: AVALON BEACH LTS 1 & 2 BLK 464 & LTS 23 24 BLK 465 OR 276 PG 488 Parcel ID: 40-1N-28-0090-46400-0010 Name in which Assessed: MICHAEL F DUGAN ESTATE All of the above property is located in Santa Rosa County, In the state of Florida. Unless such certificate(s) shall be redeemed according to the law the property described in such certificate(s) will be sold to the highest bidder online at on 02/07/2022 at 12:00 noon CT, by Donald C. Spencer, Santa Rosa County Clerk of the Courts.     Pub: Dec 29, 2021; Jan 5, 12, 19, 2022; #6681147




File #: 2022019 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED   NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT MHF RETIREMENT TRUST , holder of the following Tax Sale Certificate has filed said Tax Certificate for the Tax Deed to be issued thereon. The Certificate Number and year of Issuance, the Description of the property, and Name(s) in which it is assessed is as follows: Certificate Number: 2252 Year of Issuance: 2015 Description of Property: AVALON BEACH LOT 14 BLK 756 Parcel ID: 40-1N-28-0090-75600-0140 Name in which Assessed: LON B STEELE, ROSE M STEELE All of the above property is located in Santa Rosa County, In the state of Florida. Unless such certificate(s) shall be redeemed according to the law the property described in such certificate(s) will be sold to the highest bidder online at on 02/07/2022 at 12:00 noon CT, by Donald C. Spencer, Santa Rosa County Clerk of the Courts.   Pub: Dec 29, 2021; Jan 5, 12, 19, 2022; #6681116


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DISCLAIMER: Additional legal notices may be accessed on the newspaper’s website and the statewide legal notice website. Legal notices are also published in the print edition of the newspaper and on the statewide legal notice website.

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