Legal & Public Notices
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIRST JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR SANTA ROSA COUNTY, FLORIDA. IN RE: ESTATE OF ALEXANDER BRIAN FREEHARDT, Deceased. CASE NO.:2024-CP-000397 DIVISION PROBATE. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. The administration of the estate of ALEXANDER BRIAN FREEHARDT, Deceased, whose date of death was November 12,2023, andwhoselast four digits of his socialsecurity number were 7533, is pending in the Circuit Court for Santa Rosa County, Florida, Probate Division , the address of which is 4025 Avalon Boulevard, Milton, Florida 32583.The names and addresses of the Personal Representative and the Personal Representative’s attorney are set forth below. ALL INTERESTED PERSONSARENOTIFIED THAT: All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate, including unmatured, contingent or unliquidated claims, on whom a copy of this notice is served must file their claims with this court WITH THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATIONOF THIS NOTICE OR THIRTY DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and persons having claims or demands against the decedent’s estate , including unmatured contingent or unliquidated claims, must file their claims with this Court WITHINTHREE MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT SO FILED WILL FOREVER BE BARRED. The date of the first publication of this notice is the 15thof August 2024. /S/ JasperAliciaFreehardt JASPER ALICIA FREEHARDT 524 Parker Drive, Pensacola, Florida 32504 /S/MarkLee Smith MARK LEE SMITH Mark Lee Smith, P.A. Florida Bar No.:656690 224 East Garden Street, Suite 3 Pensacola, Florida 32502 Telephone: (850) 469-1677 Attorney for personal Representative ML3244
File #: 2024159NOTICE OF APPLICATIONFOR TAX DEEDNOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT MIKON FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC AND OCEANBANK ,holder of the following Tax Sale Certificate has filed said Tax Certificate for the Tax Deed to be issued thereon. The Certificate Number and year of Issuance, the Description of the property, and Name(s) in which it is assessed is as follows:Certificate Number:2201133Year of Issuance:2022Description of Property:DESCRIPTION UPDATED FOR 2022*OLLINGER TRACT DESC AS:PARCEL B: COM AT NW CORN OF BLK 26 THN S87*34'35"E ON S R/W OF QUINN RD 510.92 FT TO POB & CONT ON S R/W 75.60 FT TO NW CORN OF OR 2275 PG 1108 THN S0*12'11"W ON W LN OF BK/PG 608.99 FT TO NLY LN OF WATER GRASS THN N54*37'49"W ON GRASS 66.52 FT THN N1*54'39"W 574 FT TO POB (PORT OF BLK 10 LOT 1 & BLK 11 LOTS 1 & 4) AND PARCEL B1: COM AT NW CORN OFBLK 26 THN S87*34'35"E ON S R/W OF QUINN RD 510.92 FT THN S1*54'39"E 574 FT TO POB THN S54*37'49"E 66.52 FT TO SW CORN OR 2275 PG 1108 THN S0*12'11"W361.21 FT TO SHORELINE OF PELICAN BAYOU THN N67*13'29"WON SHORELINE 43.58 FT THN N1*54'39"W 383.05 FT TO POB(PORT OF BLK 10 LOTS 1 & 4) & PARCEL A1: COM AT NW CORN OFBLK 26 THN S87*34'35"E ON S R/W OF QUINN RD 510.92 FT THN S1*54'39"E 574 FT TO POB THN S1*54'39"E 383.05 FT TO PT "A" ON SHORELINE OF PELICAN BAYOU THN MEANDER WLY 94 FT+/- TO AN IN-LET OF PELICAN BAYOU & PT "B"LYING N73*35'27"W 304.42 FTFRM PT "A" THN NLY ON SHRLN OF INLET 410 FT+/- TO N EDGE OF WATERGRASS LYING N08*21'24"E381.65 FT FRM PT "B" THN S72*55'07"E ALNG SAID NLY EDGE OF WATER GRASS 100.82 FT THN S68*07'30"E ALNG WATERGRASS EDGE137.19 FT TO POB BEING A PORT OF BLK 10 LOTS 1-4) AS DES IN OR 4160 PG 240 (OUT OFPARCEL CODED UNDER BLK 8 LOT 1OF OLLINGER TRACT IN 2016)LESS ALL MINERAL RIGHTSParcel ID:11-1N-28-2920-01000-0041Name in which Assessed:DARLA COBURN, JOSEPH D COBURNAll of the above property is located in Santa Rosa County, In the state of Florida.Unless such certificate(s) shall be redeemed according to the law the property described in such certificate(s) will be sold to the highest bidder online at on the 09/23/2024 at 12:00 noon CT, by Donald C. Spencer, Santa Rosa County Clerk of the Courts. ML3243
File #: 2024157NOTICE OF APPLICATIONFOR TAX DEEDNOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT MIKON FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC AND OCEAN BANK , holder of the following Tax Sale Certificate has filed said Tax Certificate for the Tax Deed to be issued thereon. The Certificate Number and year of Issuance, the Description of the property, and Name(s) in which it is assessed is as follows:Certificate Number:2200963Year of Issuance:2022Description of Property:*DESCRIPTION UPDATE FOR 2021* PARCEL B: COM AT NW CORN OF LOT 4 BLK 1 DAVIDSON'S SUBD IN LOTS 1 & 2 SECTION 10 TOWNSHIP 1 NORTH RANGE 28 WEST SANTA ROSA COUNTY FL PT LYING AT I/S OF N SEC LINE & E R/W OF HENRY ST (SR-191) THN S11*48'58"E 658.21 FT TO CURVE THN SELY RGT 376.12 FT (R=1960.08 FT CA=10*59'40" CHD=375.54 CHB=S10*54'33"E) THN S00*45'00 "E 239.28 FT TO CURV THN SELY LFT 468.57 FT TO PT (R=1860.08 FT CA=14*26'00" CHD=467.33 FT CHB=S7*58'00"E) THN S15*19'00"E 160.31 FT TOPOB THN N35*56'03"E 326.95 FT THN N86*37'43"E 180.83 FT TO PT 'B' THN CONT N86*37'43"E 19 FT +/- TO WLY EDGE OF BLACKWATER RIVER THN MEANDER SLY 91.5 FT +/- THN S86*37'43"W 13 FT+/- TO A PT LYG S00*49'15"E 90.09 FT FROM PT "B" THN CONT S86*37'43"W 176.83 FT THN S36*23'40"W 301.13 FT TO SAID ELY R/W LI THN N15*19'00"W 70 FT TO POB (CONTAINS 0.806 AC +/-) ALNG & TOG WITH & SUBJ TO A 15' WIDE INGR/EGRESS ESMNT AS DES IN PART IN OR 1146 PG 342 & ALL AS DES PER SEP REQ/SURVEY FOR 2020 (OUT OF #28 FOR 2020) ALL AS DES IN OR 4083 PG 22Parcel ID:10-1N-28-0000-02802-0000Name in which Assessed:JOLEE B SANBORN, RYAN A SANBORNAll of the above property is located in Santa Rosa County, In the state of Florida.Unless such certificate(s) shall be redeemed according to the law the property described in such certificate(s) will be sold to the highest bidder online at on the 09/23/2024 at 12:00 noon CT, by Donald C. Spencer, Santa Rosa County Clerk of the Courts. ML3242
File #: 2024156NOTICE OF APPLICATIONFOR TAX DEEDNOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT MIKON FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC AND OCEANBANK ,holder of the following Tax Sale Certificate has filed said Tax Certificate for the Tax Deed to be issued thereon. The Certificate Number and year of Issuance, the Description of the property, and Name(s) in which it is assessed is as follows:Certificate Number:2204939Year of Issuance:2022Description of Property:COM SE CORN OF SW4 THN N2*17' 54"E 3102 FT THN N87*09'20"W 762.61 FT TO POB THN CONT 228 FT THN S2*25'20"W 215 FT THN S87*09'20"E 228 FT THN N2*25' 20"E 215 FT TO POB LESS RD R/W AS DES IN OR 3507 PG 1513 (REMOVED FIRST DESCRPT THAT WAS THERE PRIOR TO 2016)Parcel ID:42-5N-29-0000-01703-0000Name in which Assessed:EARNEST PRESTON HAWTHORNE, RUBY SUE HAWTHORNEAll of the above property is located in Santa Rosa County, In the state of Florida.Unless such certificate(s) shall be redeemed according to the law the property described in such certificate(s) will be sold to the highest bidder online at on the 09/23/2024 at 12:00 noon CT, by Donald C. Spencer, Santa Rosa County Clerk of the Courts. ML3241
File #: 2024155NOTICE OF APPLICATIONFOR TAX DEEDNOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT MIKON FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC AND OCEANBANK ,holder of the following Tax Sale Certificate has filed said Tax Certificate for the Tax Deed to be issued thereon. The Certificate Number and year of Issuance, the Description of the property, and Name(s) in which it is assessed is as follows:Certificate Number:2204092Year of Issuance:2022Description of Property:COM AT NE CORNER OF NE4 OF SW4 OF SECTION 34 TOWNSHP 6 NORTH RANGE 28 WEST THN S0*33'10"W 766.99 FT TO POB & CONTINUE 149.98 FT THN W 590.67 FT THN N0*33'10"E 149.90 FT THN E 590.67 FT TO POB AS DES IN OR 3674 PG 188 LESS ALL MINERAL RIGHTSParcel ID:34-6N-28-0000-01401-0000Name in which Assessed:JACOB PEARSON, MEGAN PEARSONAll of the above property is located in Santa Rosa County, In the state of Florida.Unless such certificate(s) shall be redeemed according to the law the property described in such certificate(s) will be sold to the highest bidder online at on the 09/23/2024 at 12:00 noon CT, by Donald C. Spencer, Santa Rosa County Clerk of the Courts. ML3240
DISCLAIMER: Additional legal notices may be accessed on the newspaper’s website and the statewide legal notice website. Legal notices are also published in the print edition of the newspaper and on the statewide legal notice website.
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