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Resolutions for 2023 made, but will I stick with them

January 10, 2023
I’m not usually one for big New Year’s resolutions. They can be a hassle to keep up with and follow. Although they’re designed to motivate you to make positive changes in your life, they can end up making you feel worse if you don’t stick with them.

Dusting Off: Community unites after horrible tragedy

January 5, 2023
We live in a strange time in American history. Despite all the advances we’ve made medically, scientifically and technologically, we seem more divided as a nation than we have in a long time.

Christmastime is here

December 19, 2022
I love a good Christmas movie or TV special. There are several we have on repeat at the Ricketts household that we watch just about every year and some of them multiple times a year.

Time is right to walk back through the door

December 14, 2022
Life can be very strange at times, can’t it? As cliché as it sounds, when one door closes, another one usually does open. Sometimes, you just have to be at the right spot and the right time to see it and walk through.
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