Creek Fest celebrates native culture
Creek Fest in Milton this weekend
Chess Challenge coming to Milton
Men Empowered: Group provides direction, support
County honors Piech
Buried time
Know where to vote!
No reply: Search for Milton WWTP project manager continues
The deadline to submit qualifications to manage the City of Milton’s almost $70-million wastewater reclamation project passed last month without response.
“This is a big project; a huge project,” Interim Public Information Officer Jay Conrad said Friday. “Our expectation has been that anyone with the qualifications to do this job already is employed; we knew it might take some time to attract the kind of expertise we need for a project of this magnitude.”
What’s in a name? SRC seeks name for connector road
The Santa Rosa County Commission is expected to name the four-lane highway being built through the Pea Ridge community between U.S. Highway 90 and Hamilton Bridge Road at its regular meeting Thursday.
The early favorite? Pea Ridge Connector.
Acreman Massacre, Wyman murders highlight true crime tales
It may be coincidence, but Richard Wood couldn’t have timed the release of his first book – Mayhem in the Florida Panhandle – much better.
Tales of murder and mayhem take center stage during the Halloween season and Wood’s 13 tales have the added attraction of being true – and happened in places readers will recognize.