Stories by Hansen Hasenberg
Stories by Hansen Hasenberg
Former Santa Rosa District Schools employee arrested on larceny charge
March 10, 2025
After resigning from Santa Rosa District Schools last October, Kelly Short, 57, has been arrested on larceny charges related to her time as director of the district’s Office of Professional Learning.
Short is accused of engaging in financial improprieties, which amounted to her allegedly stealing from the district over a two-year period. The arrest comes after a monthslong investigation by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE).
Woman completes fastest time on Florida Trail
March 7, 2025
There are few places in the world where you can walk through swamps, prairies, beaches, flat woods and a Civil War battlefield. In Florida, you can see this all in a matter of a month, or if you are Deanna Doane, 19 days.
At 26 years old, Doane recently completed the fastest supported known time in Florida National Scenic Trail history.
Marcus Spanevelo trial under review with court reconsidering death penalty
February 28, 2025
A Navarre woman’s 2022 death has reentered the spotlight as her ex-boyfriend and the father of her child was set to go on trial April 28 for allegedly kidnapping her, which resulted in her death.
The federal trial of Marcus Spanevelo, who is alleged to have transported Navarre resident Cassie Carli’s body to Alabama and buried it in a shallow grave in Springville, a 40-minute drive from Birmingham, is being examined by a capital review committee to see if he could possibly face the death penalty.
Growth of the K-8 model school
February 27, 2025
According to Santa Rosa County Economic Development, Santa Rosa County is the eighth fastest growing population in Florida with 203,752 current residents.
Of current residents, approximately 23.6% are between the ages of zero and 19. With rapid growth occurring in Santa Rosa the school district is forced to contend with ever evolving facility needs.
To meet those needs, Santa Rosa County District Schools has invested in the K-8 school model, which combines elementary level students (K-5) with middle school students (6-8th grade) into one school environment.
Gulf Coast Guns shares message about future
February 25, 2025
Tuesday morning, Feb. 25, the Santa Rosa Sheriff’s Office executed a court order at Gulf Coast Guns in Milton to seize assets or “collateral” due on a “defaulted” loan. Photos and video were shown of deputies emptying the store of inventory. But throughout the day, supporters voiced their support for the store on social media.
The Sheriff’s Office said they were following the orders of the court and had no other involvement in the civil case.
Gulf Coast Guns in legal battle over defaulted loan
February 25, 2025
Just before noon Tuesday, Feb. 25, Santa Rosa County Sheriff’s Office executed a court order at Gulf Coast Guns in Milton. The order, which was issued by a Judge in Santa Rosa County, dealt with the seizing of items from the gun store.
Questions arise over school bus stop-arm cameras amongst locals
February 25, 2025
Earlier this month, several members of the Facebook group, “Navarre Locals,” posted about receiving tickets for failing to stop for school buses. In Florida, it is a violation of the law to pass a school bus that is stopped and picking up or dropping off students.
Many of those who posted felt they had been involved in scenarios where they didn’t deserve a ticket. Erica G. made a post Feb. 12 describing an incident in which she failed to stop for a bus at a red light.
Meet this year’s Sunshine State Scholars from Santa Rosa County
February 13, 2025
In January, Santa Rosa District Schools announced the Sunshine State Scholars for the district. Each high school chose one student to represent the very best of their school’s math and science education.
Holley Navarre Intermediate teacher named district teacher of year
February 12, 2025
A cacophony of celebration ignited inside Kayla Stanford’s fifth-grade classroom Tuesday, Feb. 4, as Santa Rosa District Schools Superintendent Dr. Karen Barber and others surprised Stanford with the announcement that she was District teacher of the year.
The announcement came as happy news to teacher and students alike, although for different reasons.
Veterans Treatment Court nonprofit receives $9K from Navarre based social club
February 10, 2025
The Friends of Santa Rosa Veterans Treatment Court received a $9,000 check from Pirates on the Panhandle, a social club based in Navarre. The money was raised at the Pirate Plunge, held Jan. 1, 2025. The photo was taken by Santa Rosa Press Gazette Reporter Hansen Hasenberg.