A public input form is available online, allowing residents to share their feedback on specific areas being reviewed:
- Erosion
- Sedimentation
- Clear cutting
- Alternative subdivisions
- Floodplain Management and Resource Protection
- Design and development standards (e.g., subdivision design and layout, access management, stormwater design, etc.)
The public input form is available at www.surveymonkey.com/r/LDCReview2025. The LDC Task Force will only review comments related to the topics being discussed.
The LDC Task Force will hold their first meeting at 9 a.m. on Friday, March 7 in the County Administrative Center Boardroom, 6495 Caroline Street in Milton. This meeting will be streamed live online.
To review the current Land Development Code, visit www.santarosa.fl.gov/182/Land-Development-Code.