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The Anniversary of Jan. Sixth and our Two-Tiered System

| Staff Reporters
Nothing says “peaceful transition of power” like barbed wire, barricades, and troops standing by. With no threats indicated, that is what the feds are doing with your tax dollars.

The fourth anniversary of “January Sixth” falls on January 6 this year. Who can forget the Biden Inauguration in 2021? Chief Justice John Roberts took the Bible to swear in Joe Biden and started the oath by raising his hand and saying, “I, Joe Biden.” Biden said, “No, I am Joe Biden!”

This week’s Washington festivities were met with a big winter snowstorm. Kids had snowball fights near the Capitol. It is not yet known how many FBI agents were on either side of that brush-up.

It’s been four years since “J6,” and many protestors are still in solitary confinement. This transition from Biden to Trump has been peaceful, yet political Washington puts inordinate taxpayer assets on the line when it is, itself, being protested. We spent hundreds of millions prosecuting and incarcerating Duck Dynasty lookalike types who protested.

I do not remember our politicians sending in National Guard troops or spending millions on billboards when American cities, government buildings and people’s businesses were burning across America during the BLM riots.

For context, BLM riots vs January 6:

BLM lasted seven months, January 6 lasted three hours.

BLM has 20 plus murders by participants, “J6” had none.

BLM destroyed hundreds of businesses and caused $1 billion to $2 billion in damage.  “J6” caused $1.5 million.

BLM protestors assaulted 2,037 officers; “J6” assaulted 140 Capital Police.

BLM protestors were bailed out after few if any of them spent much time in jail. Many “J6” protestors are still awaiting trial or are in solitary confinement.

It was an unmeasured response, and the nation saw it.

This week, DC Police say they are “not aware of any credible threats.” But our snowflake politicians put up 8-foot anti-scaling fences and increased police protection. There is no amount of your money they are not willing to spend on themselves.

Keep in mind, the man who would “end democracy” and who is “Hitler” is coming to town: Donald Trump. Then there is Elon Musk, Assistant Hitler. You cannot be too careful.

There are more troops/police in Washington protecting politicians than we have in war zones across the world, all in an overreaction to a small fraction of marauding knuckleheads who ran amok in the Capitol.

Dems spent $9 billion and built maybe one EV charging station. Biden spent $42 billion on broadband for “underserved” areas and currently, no one is connected. But boy, can they put up fences quickly to protect themselves against threats both real and imagined!

These self-absorbed career politicians need to go. I have long supported term limits, and I feel that no elected official like Schumer, “Plugs” Biden or Pelosi should serve more than one face lift or one hair transplant.

Pelosi, Shumer, Bernie Sanders and Hillary are old party leaders. For the Millennials out there, here is a teachable moment. When those four came up through the ranks of the Democrat Party of Sen. Robert Byrd, Democrats were Confederates, putting up all those statues you have been tearing down. Look it up.

Pelosi and Schumer have jets and personal security details bigger than the one that looks after Beyonce and Jay-Z.

Democrats say fences do not work on the border and we should not have guns. Well, they have a lot of fences and guns around themselves.

They should care more about Bourbon St. in New Orleans and not be shocked that a guy who killed 14 people would dare to drive on the sidewalk. The FBI director resigned in disgrace because they bungled the response to the Bourbon Street attack, saying it was “not a terrorist attack” and there were others — another bad year for the FBI. In fact, last year McDonald’s elected more presidents and caught more shooters than the FBI.

But we do have Jimmy Carter lying in repose. This week viewers will file past the body of an ex-president who looks at peace. I am not sure what they will say about Jimmy Carter.

Say what you will about Jimmy Carter, Dems loudly cry they won’t live under a second Trump presidency.  But Carter had the resolve to do something about it.

It will be up to Trump and his team to try to reach out to the other side and keep this country from careening toward civil war. If that happens, I bet on the South. We have a bunch of guns, better athletes, and tons of reenactors who have been gathering and practicing this for decades…for a war we lost.

By Ron Hart, national columnist

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